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Star Girl update : rock Star!!

Hi Guys! I'm back.. Sorry i Haven't been able to Post!
So, Star Girl has Jake a new update and that is....


They're soo cool! But.. They worth some fortunes...

But Hey! No money No gain..

They are also for level 20s + .. So you should Work in The levels...

Here's a pic :

Yup.. That is one cool store..

I Will try my best to Post something as quick as i Can next time!
ID : YGA58
Feel free to add ,  and like!

Julianna.. OUT


Star Girl Games : The Flirt Game

Okay, I kinda realized something when I play that game.. This is the way to win that game :

Well , they might want to use a not too exposing clothes.. It's a kids game y'know?
(Don't try to use this kinda clothes if your not old enough kids!)

The tips are :

1. I know it's kinda hard by using only 1 friend , but it is more useful, because if you have only a few friends, you wouldn't have to wait until 19 hours or stuff..

2. put your eyes on one of the prize!
What I mean is pick 1 of the prize wisely, that you think it's the right prize to pick!

3. The more the merrier! 
Comment everywhere in the Internet about your ID , so the Internet knows you and BOOM!! Your friend will multiply by 2-4 friends...

Well.. That's it though!
ID : YGA58..
Feel Free to add , like , or comment below!

Julianna OUT!!


Star Girl Tips : Useful "boyfriends"


okay..  so, the new tip is : "BOYFRIENDS"
i have a few of boyfriends and i want to share this little info..

these are the name of the boyfriends that gives very cool gifts.. :

1. Cupido : all the angelic clothes! such as : angel wings, angel clothes, etc.

2. Robert Downey jr (from my friends bf list, so i don't know his star girl name ) :
    the amazing girl suit.. such as : amazing girl shoes, etc.

3. Hideaki Matsunaga : not really that special.. but, he gives a skirt that worth 15 charms.. ( for high   
    leveled star girls..i know you don't think he's useful)

4. Tom Cruz : gives a black leathered outfit worth 30 charms.

yea.. that's all the boyfriends i could remember.. BUT!!! as soon as i update it, there will be more useful boyfriends..!!
cause there's only 4 boyfriends today.. i'm gonna show you how to get them!

1. Cupido : you get him from the phone.. after you completed 2-3 boyfriends that "poofs" out from your phone asking you to date them.

2. Robert Downey jr : from the flirt game, next to the cafe. you need to be 160 charms to get in thought.

3. Hideaki Matsunaga : you get him from the phone too.. not long after you get cupido.. this rock n' roll wierd hairded guy is gonna appear..

4. Tom Cruz : get it by the phone.. Seriously! Where did they get our numbers?! Are they like, stalkers? ....... I'd rather be stalked by the real Tom Cruz.. LOL

well.. that's all guys!
Julianna out!

Id : YGA58
feel free to add, or even like me! comment if you need anything!


Star Girl : New Clothes

Yo! i'm back guys..

okay , today i'm just gonna post a little info.. the info is...


since easter is here, your clothes in the closet become brand new..!!! (it's still the same outfits thought)
and more clothes in the stores!! WAHOOO~~

so my suggestions are :
1. save your money
2. save your diamonds
3. do a lot of jobs..

seriously, if your targeting a new clothes.. save your diamonds..
you'll thank me someday.. :)

well.. i guess that's it..
(i'm not using pictures today.. sorry! )


Star Girls : Easter

Hi guys.. I'm back..
And I'm sorry I haven't been able to post something yet..
But I'm back now! And It's EASTER time in Star girls!!!!

In SG, they wanted us to find the pin star logo egg, and here is the charts :
First, you start with the goal 100 eggs.
Second, you start with the goal 150 eggs.
Third, you now start with the goal 210 eggs-ish. (I don't really remember in that part)
Fourth, you the start with the goal 430 eggs
Fifth , you then star off with the total 660 eggs.

If you done collecting 660 eggs, you will get this Easter set ( you get one clothing each goal ) :

(Earrings, scarf and glasses not include) 

Well, I guess that's it..
ID : YGA58 
Feel free to add or maybe like.. 

Bye guys!


Star Girl tricks : Camera Pose

Hi.. It's me, Julianna!
Today I'm gonna show you a trick for a new camera pose!
Here's how :
1. Go to your house/ room
2. Click the camera button
3. Usually, you guys only use the ordinary poses..
4. Before your character switch a pose, snap the camera..
5. And Wallaaaa.. You got a new pose! Here's an example :

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Tips : how to get star coins EASY

   Hi everyone..
It's me again.. Julianna!
Today I'm going to show you how to get star coins with the easy way!

Here is some way you can get coins :
1. Tap the posters often
2. Do jobs
3. Get gifts from boyfriend
4. Play games In the carnival

I know.. It's the usual way..
And maybe most of you would think .. "What the heck? It's really not useful ! We do this everyday!"
Well, you think wrong..
For doing jobs and playing games at the carnival, I have tricks..

For Jobs :
Like my post about "glitches : jobs"
You just need to :
1. Pick a job (the longer , the better)
2. Turn OFF your device.. What I mean is turning off! Not locking your device!
3. Turn on your device 10-20 mins later..
4. Go to the jobs center
5. Your job is done
And why do I recommend the longest jobs? Because they give you more chance to win the awards..

For playing in the carnival :
This cheat is the same as my " how to get diamonds fast" cheat

1. Play the wheel of fortune game
2. If you have low on money.. And play this game.. Your chances to play is just little..
3. Roll the wheel
4. You will maybe get the money, or diamonds , or something else..
5. If you get the money, then woohoo!! Your money increase by 1000 coins, or maybe 10 coins

And remember.. The chance to get the money isn't 100%!! You just needed some luck..

Well,I think that's all...
Bye guys!
ID : YGA58
Feel free to add me!