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Star Girl tricks : Camera Pose

Hi.. It's me, Julianna!
Today I'm gonna show you a trick for a new camera pose!
Here's how :
1. Go to your house/ room
2. Click the camera button
3. Usually, you guys only use the ordinary poses..
4. Before your character switch a pose, snap the camera..
5. And Wallaaaa.. You got a new pose! Here's an example :

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Tips : how to get star coins EASY

   Hi everyone..
It's me again.. Julianna!
Today I'm going to show you how to get star coins with the easy way!

Here is some way you can get coins :
1. Tap the posters often
2. Do jobs
3. Get gifts from boyfriend
4. Play games In the carnival

I know.. It's the usual way..
And maybe most of you would think .. "What the heck? It's really not useful ! We do this everyday!"
Well, you think wrong..
For doing jobs and playing games at the carnival, I have tricks..

For Jobs :
Like my post about "glitches : jobs"
You just need to :
1. Pick a job (the longer , the better)
2. Turn OFF your device.. What I mean is turning off! Not locking your device!
3. Turn on your device 10-20 mins later..
4. Go to the jobs center
5. Your job is done
And why do I recommend the longest jobs? Because they give you more chance to win the awards..

For playing in the carnival :
This cheat is the same as my " how to get diamonds fast" cheat

1. Play the wheel of fortune game
2. If you have low on money.. And play this game.. Your chances to play is just little..
3. Roll the wheel
4. You will maybe get the money, or diamonds , or something else..
5. If you get the money, then woohoo!! Your money increase by 1000 coins, or maybe 10 coins

And remember.. The chance to get the money isn't 100%!! You just needed some luck..

Well,I think that's all...
Bye guys!
ID : YGA58
Feel free to add me!


Star Girl : Diamond Tricks

          Hey All!!! This is Julianna.. And now, I will be showing a SUPER EASY diamond trick..
You get diamonds by leveling up and gifts.. And MOST of the clothes in the mall cost with an expensive diamond!! Argh...

But no need to worry now.. Follow these instruction by playing a game with this SUPER Easy way.. :

1. Have an amount of money that you consider as a big amount of money .. ( For me, 50 000+)
2. Go to the carnival
3. Play the game " Wheel of Fortune "..  ( i know!! It's an easy game!)
4. Do this a couple of times.. You will eventually get the diamonds..

And that's how you do it..
Wheel of Fortune is 55 % about luck.. And about when you press the " stop" button..
The more you have the money , the more you can spin it..
You maybe will get 10-15 diamonds.. But if your lucky? 40-50.. MAYBE..

Well.. That's it.. Bye bye!

ID : YGA58
Feel free to add me!

Glitches : Star Jobs

Hi guys! It's me.. Julianna !
As I promised, I have found a glitch at Star Girl...
If you just bored to wait long for star jobs.. No need! Now , you don't have to wait!
Here's how :

1. Go to the game Star Girl
2. Select any jobs (  I prefer the longest jobs )
3. Click on it
4. Turn off your device
5. Turn on your device after 10-15 min!
6. And tadaa!! Your job is done

WARNING : this glitch happened SOMETIME.. I can't make sure 100 % it happen to ALL of you.. But good luck though!

- Julianna

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   Hi Everyone!!
i'm Julianna.. and i'm gonna show you all tricks , tips , Glitches and other stuff on the game "Star Girl"..  Julianna is the name of my character on Star Girl..
So.. for this post, i'm just gonna do some Introduction..

Star Girl is a game of a Star Life , you dress to impress , you Date guys.. even the celebrities , do Mini games , invite friends , and More !!

if you want to add me, here's my code : 

A game for someone who willing to be a STAR!!

well , i guess that's all for this post.. i will make sure that i will post some tricks and other soon!

XOX , Julianna