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Star Girl : Diamond Tricks

          Hey All!!! This is Julianna.. And now, I will be showing a SUPER EASY diamond trick..
You get diamonds by leveling up and gifts.. And MOST of the clothes in the mall cost with an expensive diamond!! Argh...

But no need to worry now.. Follow these instruction by playing a game with this SUPER Easy way.. :

1. Have an amount of money that you consider as a big amount of money .. ( For me, 50 000+)
2. Go to the carnival
3. Play the game " Wheel of Fortune "..  ( i know!! It's an easy game!)
4. Do this a couple of times.. You will eventually get the diamonds..

And that's how you do it..
Wheel of Fortune is 55 % about luck.. And about when you press the " stop" button..
The more you have the money , the more you can spin it..
You maybe will get 10-15 diamonds.. But if your lucky? 40-50.. MAYBE..

Well.. That's it.. Bye bye!

ID : YGA58
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